Our pumpkins are on a fast downhill slide. Too ripe when they were carved, the squirrels are nibbling on the the soft Jack-o-lanterns. Dick's "snowman" looks like he has been lethally shot from behind and is on a slow pitch forward toward the deck.
I was glad to have a sunny day, because I needed some more reference photos for a painting class I'm taking this week two hundred miles north in Door County at the Peninsula Art School in Fish Creek. Shelby Keefe, an artist who paints mostly urban landscapes in oils with acrylic under paintings is the instructor. I've been collecting materials, painting in acrylic, and assembling reference photos in an effort to be prepared for three intensive days of painting.
This shot of an old brick barn on the Tallman House property appealed to me because of the lines, and the single fall leaf against a window.
I liked this photo of downtown Janesville for the geometric shapes and bright colors. You can't see it, but the Rock River runs along beside these old buildings. I will be back on Sunday, and I hope to have some interesting paintings to show.
If you'd like to see some of Shelby Keefe's work, check this link to her website:
Just for fun, here's a poem from the 2009 Wisconsin Poets' Calendar to celebrate the start of November.
Before the Fall
by Alice D'Alessio
We brake against the earth's spin,
clutching this lush
and gaudy day; spiral
of hawks against the blue
and sumac spreading fire
in tallgrass prairie.
We gather apples
from the last tree --
lumpy rejects, they burst
with cidery exultation
on the tongue. Then
pause once more
by the beaver pond
where fresh-gnawed sticks
arrest the stream. As if by
peering deep into the murky
bowl we could unlock
time's secrets.
A single yellow leaf drops,
Somewhere the night begins.
OOOHHH fun! I have always wanted to take a class there but it is still in the 'want' stage.
It's great to discover your writing and work. If you want to keep up on more happening in Door County you might enjoy the Door County Style Magazine... (http://DoorCountyStyle.com). There's always something about the Peninsula School of Art or their Guenzel Gallery appearing.
Teri, the art school is fun any time, and Door Co. is naturally beautiful any time of year. In fall it's less crowded and the rates are all more affordable, though some shops and restaurants close. I just finished the class and am headed home, very happy and pleased with how everything went.
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