Thursday, February 1, 2018


Downtown, 8x10 inches, oil

This is my most recent small painting, a very stylized view of downtown Janesville.  I don't often paint landscapes, but I was playing with applying filters to some of my reference photos, and decided I rather liked this view. It's not very big, more of a study really.  I enjoyed the simplified shapes and intensified colors here, though whether it's great art or not I do not know.  Actually I do know.

I spent most of January finishing up my radiation treatments here in town, and then doing a series of four more treatments in Madison.  I am happy to report that they seem to have gone well, and that I am feeling very well and my hair is regrowing, although it is very short.  I'm still wearing a cap most of the time, just to keep warm.  I am reassured though, that I am not destined to be bald forever.