Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Today I finally stashed all the materials I brought home from my August workshop in Michigan, and tried to fine tune this oil painting of a traffic signal.  I took a photo of the stop and go light a couple Saturdays ago, attracted, perhaps, by the bright September sky and the geometric shapes and intense colors.  Looking at the painting, which looks best if viewed through squinty eyes, I'm not sure it was a great subject to paint, but at least I got going with working in the studio, after several weeks of real hesitation.  What is that?  What makes a person be full of ideas and enthusiasm and suddenly seize up and stop working?  I've been blaming it on my unhappiness with the workshop, and an end of summer desire to be outside.  Maybe that's all it is. Maybe this painting is some sort of message from the universe to think carefully, proceed with caution, but not stop.  I don't know.

I did have a nice day last weekend in Madison at the state day for the Wisconsin Regional Artists Program. I had a small painting accepted to the show, and also received a cash award. Can't complain about any of that. 


JoAnn said...

Love this painting, Sherry! Such nice bright clear colors and I like the juxtaposition of the shapes.


Roberta Warshaw said...

I love the painting. I used to paint telephone poles and their wires. I always questioned myself about it but the fact was that it inspired me and so that was that.

I know what you mean about some classes. I mostly take them online but I have had some that I paid a lot of money for and learned nothing. I wish that there was a way to review them somewhere. But I guess not.....