Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Autumn Scenes My World

Autumn here so far has been dark and wet, the rain stripping the trees of their bright colors, and hampering the farmers from bringing in their corn and soybeans. Sunday there was a break in the rain, so I went out driving around the county looking at the scenery.

There's a little country cemetery on Highway 14 near Evansville. I couldn't resist stopping to read the old stones and take pictures.

This morning the fog was thick, and the streetlight across the way made the sugar maple glow like a lighted jack-o-lantern. I don't have a tripod, so the image is a little blurred, but the mysterious feeling comes through anyway.

Why we decided to build our deck around our maple is beyond me, since it drops little red buds and seed helicopters in spring and in fall leaves carpet the boards. My little plastic lighted pumpkin doesn't look bothered, though.

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