Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spring Garden

The tree service has taken away the storm damage from Sunday, and I'm back to grubbing out shallow tree roots, replacing perennial flowers that did not make it through the winter, and planting annuals in pots and along the edge of long beds the line the back yard.  I am happy that the big storm didn't tear the poppies to pieces, since they are pretty for such a short time.

Today while I was working I  had to stop to enjoy the scent of lilac and lily of the valley.  It made me think of a song my mother sang to me when I was little:

Sweet coral bells upon a slender stalk,
Lilies of the valley line my garden walk.
Oh how I wish that I could hear them ring.
That will happen only when the fairies sing.

The coral bells are beginning to bloom, and the lilies of the valley are at their peak.  Time to see if I can hear them ringing. That might distract me from how sore my knees are after a day working outside.

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