There were poems/song lyrics I do not know and could not find online, and I thought I would post them today. If anyone reads this and recognizes them, I'd love to know their sources.
We Love the Trees
We love the grand old trees,
With the oak their royal king,
And the maple forest queen
We to her homage bring.
And the elm with stately form
Long withstanding wind and storm
Pine low whispering to the breeze.
We love the grand old trees.
We love the grand old trees
The elder bright above the snow
The poplar straight and tall
And the weeping willow low.
Butternut and walnut too,
Basswood blooming for the bees.
O, we love the grand old trees.
We love the grand old trees
The tulip branching broad and high,
The beech with shining robe
And the birch so sweet and shy,
Aged chestnuts fair to see
Holly bright with Christmas glee,
Laurels crown for victories,
O. we love the grand old trees.
October Days (to the tune of Jingle Bells?)
All hail October days
The rarest of the year
When all the woods ablaze
Proclaiming the winter near.
Steps are quick and light
Health is in the breeze
And the color on the cheek is bright
As the color on the trees.
(cho.) Rustle leaves crackle leaves
Rustle all the way
O for the ramble in the woods
On a bright October day.
The yellow pumpkins shine
Amid the shocks of corn,
And with a light divine
The hills and valleys burn.
The heart glows with delight
To live in days like these,
And the colors on the cheeks are bright
As the colors on the trees.
Wisconsin Song (to the tune of The Battle Cry of Freedom?)
Yes, we're loyal to the union,
And greet its flag with cheers,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
And we're loyal to the Badger State.
Increasing through the years,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
(cho.) Wisconsin forever, hurrah, boys hurrah.
Forward's our motto, and freedom and law.
So we pledge our hands and hearts
That we'll ever loyal be,
Ever loyal be to thee, Wisconsin.
We are loyal to the boys in Blue
The living and the dead
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
For they fought the noble fight
And would perish in our stead
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
And to the hardy pioneer
We raise our song of praise
Shouting the battle cry of freedom
Will forever hold the glory
Of those old heroic days
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
I always love reading your history here but had to say something since we are all mourning the Packer loss.
I asked my DH if he recognized anything (he is way older than me :) but he didn't and I don't either. Hope someone comes up with an answer for you.
Sherry, the poem about the trees was written by Ada Simpson Sherwood and used to be recited during Arbor Day presentations. Apparently she was a teacher (in Michigan?) and wrote several poems and short essays for various school ceremonies. Wonder if they do Arbor Day in school anymore. I used to love it.
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