Sunday, October 10, 2010

Peak Experience

Yesterday I drove to Racine to the Wustum art museum to drop off a couple watercolors for their Watercolor Wisconsin show.  We shall see if they are accepted or not.  There is a whole lot of road construction between Janesville and Racine, and in the city as well.  I got royally lost, and ended stopping at a gas station to buy a map of Racine. I had Google driving directions, but that didn't help me with all the detours I encountered.

Anyway, the drive both was as made fine by the autumn landscape - fields of corn and soybeans being harvested,  and the colors of the hardwood trees along the way.  I thought it was time for another poem.

from the 2010 Wisconsin Poets Calendar, 
by Katrin Talbot

It's the time of year
even with the crisp taps
of chilly nights,

the balding maples seem to be,
reluctant to relinquish
their dazzling threads,

holding onto their armfuls
of gold
like greedy bankers
who know the
market's going down,
one slow dance
at a time.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

I love this time of year. Thanks for this lovely poem ~ ~ ~