Friday, December 5, 2008

A Cowgirl Song

Christmas, 1953 (whatever happened to Old Paint?)

A Prairie Song

Oh, music springs under the galloping hoofs,
Out on the plains;
Where mile after mile drops behind with a smile,
And to-morrow seems always to tempt and beguile, --
Out on the plains.
Oh, where are the traces of yesterday's ride?
There to the north;
Where alfalfa and sage sign themselves into sleep,
Where the buttes loom up suddenly, startling and steep, --
There to the north.
Oh, rest not my pony, there's youth in my heart,
Out on the plains;
And the wind sings a wild song to rob me of care,
And there's room here to live and to love and to dare, --
Out on the plains.


Teri said...

That is too cute Sherry! LOVE that snow photo!!

Sharon said...

So cute, as is the photo of you with Santa! I think I received that same cowgirl outfit for Christmas...