Monday, May 5, 2008

Every Day in May, II

Doing "quick and dirty" sketches every day is proving difficult.  I allow myself to be sidetracked by all sorts of things.  The paperwork for my upcoming library show needed completing and delivering, no time like the present.  I realized I haven't backed up anything on my Mac since the new year, so I did some of that.  A friend called and asked if I had ferns to share, so of course I went out, grabbed a shovel and dug.  There is a fussier drawing that is taking a few hours. Then there is my goofy vision.  The last couple days I actually taped an improvised patch (a folded tissue held in place with masking tape) over my bubble-filled left eye so that I could concentrate better on my sketchbook.  Looking at distant things is much easier than reading, drawing, or even walking down steps which requires I look downward through the gas bubble. Finally there is my dreaded inner critic telling me that these informal drawings are worthy only for the bottom of the birdcage.  But hey, this is what I decided to do, so I'm sticking with it.

The first drawing was completed as I sat in a lawn chair at the back of our garden.  A friend gave me a birdhouse kit ages ago, and I assembled it and painted it shades of gray.  Every year a wren comes and sets up housekeeping, cussing me out whenever I come too near.  She's back this year, and she did not appreciate me sitting drawing her house.  The rest of the garden is in riotous disarray, filled to overflowing with spring flowers - and spring weeds.

The second sketch is of a wee vase of grape hyacinth.  I enjoy the bright purple of these hardy spring bulbs along side the bright yellow daffodils and tulips.  I put the little container on an upended plastic tub that once held potato salad, but now serves as a water container when I paint, and the results are here.


Rayne said...

Tell your inner critic that I say these 'quick and dirty' sketches are fantastic!!!! I love them. You have a lot of talent.

Anonymous said...

These are lovely!! And are you really doing them without binocular vision?? The beauty of the light and shadows on the simple black and white birdhouse sketch is alone amazing.

Teri said...

Sherry, these sketches are wonderful and full of life!! I like the bit of color too.