Millard School in the 1930s
It has been a while since I've posted any family history, but yesterday I was digging around in the basement and I struck gold. There was the tub I had stuffed with items we took from Mother's apartment after she passed away, not that full. My thought was I could find a better home for what was in the tub and then use it to store the empty frames I've been tripping over up in the studio. The frames are still all over upstairs, and I have been immersed in old pictures.
I grew up on a farm in Sugar Creek township in Walworth County, and like my father, paternal grandparents, and uncle, I attended Millard Elementary School. Mother's notes say that my great aunt Dorothy Pierce taught at the school in 1910 and 1911. Anyway, this photo was from grandpa Earl Pierce's album. The school looked pretty much the same when I went there for grades 1-4 in the 1950s.

These must have been the students in the Little Room, grades 1-4, about 1939 or 1940. My dad, Ralph Pierce, is standing second from the left with his cap on. The only other person I recognize is standing next to him, Barb Newman. She was good friends with both my parents for years. That's probably Hallie Moore to Dad's left, another lifelong friend. I suspect at least one of the girls is an Olivas, because they lived next to the school. They had lots of children, a couple of whom were at Millard with me. The third grade class of 1938-39 (taught by Elsie Newman) included: George Archamsault, Ralph Pierce, Hallie Moorie, Junior Rowe, Emily Sawn, Barbara Newman, Mary Helen Weaver, Marion Schumacher, and Jean McKinney.

Little Room (grades 1-4) photo in 1959. Mrs. Dorothy Barker taught us all. I'm in the back row, left corner, in the green sweater. My best friend at school, Marianne Tripp stands next to me, and Juan Manchacas, the first boy who ever gave me a ring, wears a blue jacket. The school population fluctuated seasonally as some of the Mexican children traveled with their families back and forth to Texas for agricultural work.
Dorothy Barker, me, and Ronald Stevens who taught the Big Room (grades 5-8) at a 2994 Millard Community Picnic.
I also found a pamphlet Mother saved from the 1994 picnic. Someone (maybe Jim Pollard) had dug around in files at UW Whitewater documents room and found some old records about the Town of Sugar Creek School District #4. Here is a sampling of old minutes and treasurer's reports from the school board.
September 24, 1866
A.E. Green, Chmn.
T.P. Barker, clerk
Allen Loomer, Treas.
The meeting voted to have 4 months winter and 4 months summer school.
Voted to raise $160.00 for teacher wages.
Voted to have eight cords of stove wood -- let the job to the lowest bidder. ($23.10)
September 30, 1867
Voted to have four months winter school by a male teacher and four months summer school by a female teacher.
Voted to raise $170.00 for teacher wages.
Voted to raise $10.00 for the contingency fund.
Voted to raise $21.20 for wood.
November 21, 1868
To the Dist. Clerk of School Dist. NO. 4 of the Town of Sugar Creek,
Having attached all that part of Joint School Dist. #10 laying in the Town of Sugar Creek to School Dist. #4 of Said Town, We have ascertained and determined the proportion of the proceeds of the Sale of the School House and other property of such Joint School District due to School District #4 of Said Town to be $55.31.
Signed by:
Thomas David - Supervisor of the Town of Sugar Creek
Herman Taylor
Elisha (?)
Henry Stone
Sugar Creek - January 19, 1869
You are hearby notified that Marcus D. Barker has been this day suspended from the school on charge of Disorderly Conduct, imprudent language and for breaking into my desk and taking whips out and burning them. - C.M. Brighs - teacher
February 19, 1869
The following motion was offered and unanimously carried - Moved that a vote of censure be passed against Allen Loomer, clerk of Dist. #4 in Town of Sugar Creek for the manner in which he discharged or failed to discharge the duties of said office.
Resolved that it is the wish of this district that the use of the School House be let to the Debating Society for a debate.
Resolved that when this meeting adjourns to the 27th of February there will be a vote taken to raise a tax of ($600) six hundred dollars with which to commence to build a new school house.
September 27, 1869
Marcus Gray, Chmn.
Resolved that we have four months winter and four months summer school both terms taught by a female teacher.
Resolved that the District pay not over twenty dollars per month and board for the ensuing year.
Voted that the District is willing that the Board Open House for religious services and for the Debating Society.
September 25, 1870
$15 dollar voted to purchase a new stove for the school house - the old stove sold at auction for $1.20.
December 27, 1870
Mr. J.B. Barker made a motion that the District build a new School House - carried by unanimous vote.
February 17, 1871
Motion was made by Hiram Taylor that the District pay Harmon Gray fifty dollars for an addition to the present site and sufficient to make the Whole and acre by the United States Survey - said land to be used for school purposes only.
March 4, 1871 -
Committee on proposals called on to report. J.B. Barker reported bid of $1500 for Brick house - $1225 for wooden building. Voted for brick. Note to include outhouse.
September 25, 1871
Motion made and carried that the old School House be sold to the highest bidder (sold to J.B. Kinney for $30.00). The old Privy was then sold for $4.40 to H.L. Graves.
October 16, 1871
...that the School Board purchase lumber and build a fence from the School House to the Doctor's fence - said fence to be eight feet high and picketed.
...that we raise $16.00 for the purpose of getting seven inch Rusia (sic) stove pipe for the stove.
...we raise $6.00 for locks to the privies, hooks and wire for stove pipe and teacher's table.
March 2, 1872
Gave Mr. Davey a complimentary note for teaching our school this winter.
September 30, 1872
...we raise $153.50 to pay Dr. Gray hid demands against the District.
Voted that we have nine months school during the year, four months winter and five months summer school with a vacation. ($200 for teacher wages)
October 10, 1872
Discussion and votes relative to fencing school house lot - voted to raise $100 for purpose of building and painting the fence on two sides of the school lot.
Teacher for year - Lyman Earle.
August 31, 1874
Voted that we instruct the Board not to have any branch of mathematics higher than arithmetic taught in this school for the ensuing year - the smaller schollers (sic) to be taught by the teacher in person. If any schollers have to be neglected, they must be taught by the larger ones.
This may be hard to see unless you click on it, but it is a loose sheet inserted in a ledger I found from g-g grandfather, John Alexander Pierce, who homesteaded in the 1840s. It's a handwritten treasury report for school district no. 4 in Sugar Creek. The ledger itself is the account book for two flour mills and a creamery the family operated. Looks like I'd better investigate donating papers to the state historical society.